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The Evolution of Your Business Should Reflect in Your Operating Agreement

Running a successful business is not just about delivering quality products or services. Behind the scenes, a well-crafted operating agreement plays an integral role in ensuring the smooth operation of your enterprise. Just as your business evolves, so should your operating agreement. Let’s explore when, why, and how you should update your business’s operating agreement.

Understanding the Business’ Operating Agreement

An operating agreement, at its core, is a legal document that guides the internal functioning of your limited liability company (LLC). It acts as a constitution, establishing the rules and regulations governing the company’s operations. It delineates the responsibilities and powers of the members, the rights of stakeholders, and the distribution of profits and losses. An operating agreement also spells out decision-making protocols, guidelines for conflict resolution, and processes for bringing in new members or dealing with a member’s exit. It’s an integral part of your business, much like a blueprint, shaping and directing your business’s operations, and aiding in the resolution of any internal disputes that may arise. Consequently, it’s crucial to keep it updated as your business evolves.

The Why: Importance of Updating Your Operating Agreement

Why should a business owner go through the trouble of regularly updating their operating agreement? The reasons are multifold. Regular updates ensure that your business stays compliant with evolving laws and regulations. This practice can aid in steering clear of legal issues and ensuring your business operations remain within the bounds of the law.

Furthermore, an updated operating agreement allows you to maintain a firm grip on your business. For instance, consider a scenario where your small business, initially operating in just Michigan, decides to expand into other states. Or perhaps your business decides to move from a retail model to an e-commerce one due to changing market trends. Maybe there’s a change in the ownership structure, with some original members choosing to leave and new members coming on board. 

In each of these cases, your business structure and strategies undergo significant shifts. These changes should be mirrored in your operating agreement to allow you to maintain control and decision-making power within your expanded or altered enterprise. This way, your operating agreement stays aligned with your business’s evolution, helping you navigate new challenges and seize new opportunities effectively.

Finally, an up-to-date operating agreement safeguards the interests of all parties involved. It provides a clear, agreed-upon framework that aids in resolving any potential disputes that may arise in the course of business operations. By keeping your agreement current, you can protect the interests of all stakeholders and ensure a smooth operation of your business.

The How: Steps to Update Your Operating Agreement

So, how does one go about updating their operating agreement? The process begins with consultation with legal counsel. This step is essential to ensure that all changes comply with current legal requirements and best practices. Your lawyer can also guide you through any changes in laws or regulations that may necessitate an update of your agreement.

Following this consultation, it’s time for a discussion among the members or managers of the company. All proposed changes should be deliberated and mutually agreed upon. This process of negotiation and consensus-building ensures that the updated agreement reflects the interests of all parties involved.

Once the changes have been agreed upon, the next step involves drafting, reviewing, and approving these changes. This ensures that all parties are satisfied with the modifications before finalizing the updated agreement.

Lastly, it’s essential to communicate these changes to all relevant parties, which may include a lender whose lending requirements may include having an up-to-date operating agreement on file. Keeping everyone informed helps maintain transparency and ensures that all members of the company operate from the same understanding.

Special Consideration: Michigan-specific Laws and Regulations

Michigan’s business laws and regulations play a crucial role in shaping your operating agreement. Ensuring that your agreement aligns with state-specific laws and regulations is vital, as non-compliance can result in legal complications. This underscores why it’s important to consult with experienced legal counsel when changes to an operating agreement are needed.


An updated operating agreement is more than just a legal necessity—it’s a manifestation of your evolving business vision. Regular review and updates, tailored to your business’s changing needs and Michigan’s specific legal and regulatory environment, ensure that your business maintains its operational fluidity and legal compliance.

In the dynamic world of business, remember that your operating agreement is not a set-it-and-forget-it document, but a living instrument that must adapt with your business.

If you have any questions, or require assistance with your operating agreement, please contact Zana Tomich.

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