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Category: Church Mergers

Church Mergers

Amending Endowments: Sacred Trusts, Changing Times – A Call for Thoughtful Amendment

Endowments stand as pillars of financial strength within some United Methodist and Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) churches. They provide resources that support ministries, outreach, and the upkeep of our sacred spaces. But as doctrine and discipline change, and as our world faces new challenges, a question arises: Should our church endowments be amended? And if so, how can we do this responsibly and in line with our faith?

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Church Mergers

Young-Nak Church – a case study of the importance of perseverance in winning a religious property dispute.

Religious property disputes can be some of the most emotionally charged legal battles. They often involve deeply held beliefs and the legacy of a community. If you find yourself embroiled in such a dispute, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But here’s the good news: with perseverance and a strategic approach, you can prevail. The Young-Nak church experience demonstrates the importance of perseverance in these cases and offer practical guidance to help you navigate the legal process.

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Church Mergers

Saying Goodbye (and Hello): Navigating Senior Pastor Transitions

Change is inevitable, even for our beloved faith communities. And one of the most significant transitions a church can experience is the departure of its senior pastor. It’s a time of mixed emotions – gratitude for the outgoing pastor’s contributions, sadness at their leaving, and uncertainty about the future. But with careful planning and open communication, a senior pastor transition can be an opportunity for growth and renewal.

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