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Author: Daniel Dalton

Firm News

Demystifying RLUIPA: Talking about RLUIPA at the Department of Justice Roundtable at Chapman University in Orange, California

On March 19, 2024, Daniel Dalton will be speaking at the United States Department of Justice Roundtable Conference in Orange, California at Chapman University School of Law about the often-complex topic of land use and zoning. Specifically, my focus will be on the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), a federal law that impacts the development of religious institutions and the rights of institutionalized persons.

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Church Property Disputes/Denominational Splits

The Two Main Questions to be answered at the United Methodist General Conference, 2024 and how to Prepare your Congregation for the Outcomes.

There are two main issues to be decided in the 2024 General Conference of the United Methodist Church. The answer to both issues will have a significant impact on the future of the denomination and will require local congregations’ thoughtful consideration regarding their own affiliation with the denomination.

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Church Property Disputes/Denominational Splits

Creating a new history: the “lost cause” mythology of the United Methodist Church

There is a current trend of leaders within the United Methodist Church to tell their story as to why the denomination has failed. Predictably, the UMC leaders are casting blame on others rather than looking inward to see what caused the problems and how they can stem future losses. Yet the problem is lack of trust between laity, clergy and bishops – a problem identified a decade ago but never addressed by the UMC.

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Church Mergers

Saying Goodbye (and Hello): Navigating Senior Pastor Transitions

Change is inevitable, even for our beloved faith communities. And one of the most significant transitions a church can experience is the departure of its senior pastor. It’s a time of mixed emotions – gratitude for the outgoing pastor’s contributions, sadness at their leaving, and uncertainty about the future. But with careful planning and open communication, a senior pastor transition can be an opportunity for growth and renewal.

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Church Property Disputes/Denominational Splits

Make sure your local church is legally protected after disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church

any churches that have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church have done so without legal counsel. The choice to leave without the assistance of an attorney may have been due to timing, cost or simply a decision by leaders that they could complete the process on their own. While the local church may have saved money on legal fees through the process, they may not have set themselves up for success in the future. Considering this, now may be the right time to review your corporate documents with legal counsel to see if your local church is fully protected.

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