Leaving the Presbyterian Church USA

Lead your congregation to a new beginning.

Is your local church looking to separate from the Presbyterian Church USA? Do you have legal questions about how to position your new congregation for success?

Our free guide answers the most common questions that arise for local churches entering this complex, but navigable, process. This step-by-step guide summarizes the actionable insights that have proven most helpful to our clients. The attorneys of Dalton & Tomich specialize in helping local churches become independent and free to lead in their communities. We developed this free e-book as a guide to answer many of your questions about leaving the Presbyterian Church USA.

Experience to help you navigate.

Our practice is a nationally recognized authority on legal issues facing churches and other religious institutions. We have helped local congregations leave the Presbyterian Church USA, the Episcopal Church, and United Methodist Church. We know these issues. We have decades of experience collaborating with churches across the country to resolve them, including providing guidance on the internal concerns that accompany such an important and complex decision.

While this guide will not answer all of your questions and should not be interpreted as providing legal advice, we hope you find it helpful as your local church embarks on a new journey.

Please do not hesitate to email Daniel P. Dalton directly or call (313) 859-6000 to get answers to your specific questions.

Download the Guide to Discover:

Fill out the form below and download your FREE guide.


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